About Me

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age: 34 height 5 foot 3 (nearly) starting weight: 230

Monday, April 5, 2010

week 2 weigh in

so the easter bunny came and went so my weight loss was not so spectacular.

week 2 weighs me in at 224

next week i hope for a bigger number......i feel slightly discouraged and disappointed in my lack of will power over the treats and chocolate

insert a sad face here


  1. Weight loss takes patience. Some weeks will be better than others. You have to stay positive and know there are others supporting you and want to see you succeed.

  2. My dear,

    two pounds is good! I don't know what you are comparing it to, but it's really hard to actually lose weight, so you need to take every joy you can!! and i'm sooooo proud of you! you are a strong independent woman!!!

  3. You're doing a good job! Like Scot said.. some weeks/days will be better than others!
