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age: 34 height 5 foot 3 (nearly) starting weight: 230

Saturday, April 10, 2010


i guess i have been in a bit of a slump since the easter candy disaster

you know i am back now tho!! I have a few things on my mind.

1) is it ok to eat treats or things not really on your diet but in low doses?
2) does depriving yourself of said food treats cause you to finally give in but with a vengance and bindge on the treat??
3) WHY IS GOING OUT TO A RESTAURANT SO DAMN HARD! I went over the menu yesterday with a fine tooth comb before finally just having a turkey sandwhich on whole wheat with a side salad.

there is creamy sauces and cheese and breaded coatings on like EVERYTHING. I felt so bad for taking so long but it really was frustrating.

I did have a great time out with a few friends but it seemed a lot harder then it should have been. I feel like I am not easily intigrating into a normal world. Its easier to do portion control and meal preps and snacks at home.

I guess thats the wall i have run into the last week or so. i have been super busy so getting any work outs have been at the times when i am far too tire (yes i know i need a plan)


where the hell is the biggest loser ranch when i need it???


  1. 3. Yes, it's hard to eat healthy at restaurants. Even salads can be high in calories with all the dressings, etc. Most things I've read say it's ok to blow out your calories once a week. So, as long as you "stick to your diet" the rest of the week, it could be OK to splurge a little bit when eating out.

    As much as I love Biggest Loser, have to remind myself what they experience is not very realistic. Most people don't have time to exercise like they do. Plus, as large as the people are on that show nowadays, they have a lot more weight to lose than most folks. I've lost about 40 lbs since last July (220 down to 180), mostly by watching my calories and running 3-4 times a week. Used Lose It! (counting calories) and C25K (running)apps on my iPhone. Averaged 2-3 lbs a week, which is what most so-called experts recommend. Plateaued out in Dec but haven't creeped back up, either. Still run. Don't literally count my calories but do try to watch them. My wife did basically the same thing, also. She ended up losing more weight than I did. The best way is to just pick a time and set it aside as your exercise time. Pretty soon it becomes just as much a part of your day as eating.

    Say all this to encourage you to be patient and look at this as a long-term project. Some weeks will be better than others, and you may even string several not-so-good weeks together. But, in the long run, you should be able to reach your goals.

    Hang in there,


  2. Good advice Scot! Planning is really everything! If I don't pack a lunch with plenty of healthy snacks everyday for work I would end up eating the goodies my patients bring in to share with everyone! Even if you're a stay home mom I suggest "packing" a lunch. Pack what you're going to eat all day and don't go off the plan.
    Exercise is just the same! Plan and do... if you go off the plan though just start again the next day. It's a life plan...it'll take some time :)
    Have a great day!
