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age: 34 height 5 foot 3 (nearly) starting weight: 230

Sunday, March 28, 2010

wow im still not used to consuming this much water. i never used to drink any water at all. i know its good and all but sheesh! its never ending trips to the washroom lol.

I am getting used to eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours now and am not so hungry but it is weird i really am feeling like i am eating ALL the time

Still need a course on how to read the back of labels right and know what the heck they mean....anyone have any tips??

i also have not felt sluggish or depressed or so short tempered since i have changed my diet this way.....even at work where i am always feeling super stressed.

I need to step it up on the working out though i have missed 2 days out of the last 6 days.

Does anyone know are crunches more or just as effective when done on a stability ball?


  1. I believe they are more effective on a stability ball because you can extend your back further during extension. I really like the hoola hoop for abs. I know it sounds weird but it's a great workout! Also,
    Carbs are th only source of energy for your brain so if you're not getting enough you may be a bit cranky :) Just so you know.
    Good Luck!

  2. How about plain yogurt with a couple of drops of vanilla extract?

  3. oooh thanks mary i will try that with the extract someone else mentioned that too but i havent "risked" it yet lol it took me about 2 hours to convince myself to try the cottage cheese (blech!)
