About Me

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age: 34 height 5 foot 3 (nearly) starting weight: 230

Monday, March 29, 2010

week one weigh in!

so it has officially been *uses creepy horror movie whisper* seven days!

I weight in at 11am eastern standard time and the weight was

drum roll please

224.8 pounds!!

that is a total loss of 4.2 pounds!

i know that it really is losing water weight at this point but what a great motivator!! I cant wait to get out of the 22o's and get down into the teens!!

I know i have not posted on here what my goal weight is.....i dont really know what it should be but at this point my goal is to get below 200 pounds for the first time since high school!


  1. That's so awesome. I was 230 before getting pregnant, started WW at 223 and am now 190. 20lbs to goal! The day I passed out of the 200's I cried. Can't wait to read more about your progress, and just know that we're all in it together!

  2. thanks i never in a million years thought that i would get much traffic on this blog let alone a little group of cheer leaders!
