About Me

My photo
age: 34 height 5 foot 3 (nearly) starting weight: 230

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I will have to post later just wanted to check in i have an out of town appointment to go to today

wish me luck

catch ya all tomorrow!

Monday, March 29, 2010

todays meal plan

I had 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 peices of turkey bacon when i got up and at it (likely around 10:30)

12:30: weight control oatmeal with a sprinkle of cinnimon

3:00: a few black berries

5:00: 1 baked chicken breast

7:00: some baby carrots with a small amount low fat ranch dressing

9:00: an apple

I get off work at 11 so i am hoping that I will not be hungry when i get home. if i am i will most likely eat a few raw almonds with a glass of water

week one weigh in!

so it has officially been *uses creepy horror movie whisper* seven days!

I weight in at 11am eastern standard time and the weight was

drum roll please

224.8 pounds!!

that is a total loss of 4.2 pounds!

i know that it really is losing water weight at this point but what a great motivator!! I cant wait to get out of the 22o's and get down into the teens!!

I know i have not posted on here what my goal weight is.....i dont really know what it should be but at this point my goal is to get below 200 pounds for the first time since high school!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I forgot to mention that i weighed in today at 226.8!!! I know i am only supposed to do it once a week but i was curious ya know!

all the changes in food and working out (i just finished before i started blogging and my abs are still killing me) i just wanted to see if there was anything different to note besides green poop lol.

I have noticed that in the last 6 days my endurance has gotten better - i worked out monday and tuesday i took wednesday off because i couldnt move worked out thursday took friday off and then did saturday and today.

Sure they are only 20 minutes long but if any other totally out of shape 5 foot almost 3 229 pound chubby would attest its freaking hard!

I will admit tonight i have been totally craving pizza. I havent craved any junk all week.

I think it is because i have been off all weekend and today i have not left the house.

I am conditioned to eat out of boredom, anger, sadness, frustration, happiness.....you get my point.

I am learning daily more and more that weight loss for me anyway is more of internal changes...the whole making my insides match my outsides and vice versa.

I am not going to use my circumstances as excuses to continue to fail. I dont FEEL like a fat person on the inside. Im tired of feeling bad because my outsides are fat.

this journey for me is touching emotional, physical and spiritual.


damn right i will bitch and moan and wallow maybe even cheat sometimes but i like feeling like im in control of me even if its not that much control yet!

i feel sweaty and sore and content.......get out of my head double cheese pizza!
wow im still not used to consuming this much water. i never used to drink any water at all. i know its good and all but sheesh! its never ending trips to the washroom lol.

I am getting used to eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours now and am not so hungry but it is weird i really am feeling like i am eating ALL the time

Still need a course on how to read the back of labels right and know what the heck they mean....anyone have any tips??

i also have not felt sluggish or depressed or so short tempered since i have changed my diet this way.....even at work where i am always feeling super stressed.

I need to step it up on the working out though i have missed 2 days out of the last 6 days.

Does anyone know are crunches more or just as effective when done on a stability ball?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

some things i learned today

excessive amounts of vegetables and salad makes me reallllllly gassy

I need help to understand those white boxes on the backs of labels to know if something is good or bad

the more times i work out the longer i seem to be able to do the stuff ie jumping jacks and jump rope

butt kicks are from the devil

for that matter bicycle crunches are also from the devil

back to the excessive amounts of vegetables.......your poop changes colour.....this was a fact that gave me a minor coronary but i was assured that it is normal! phew!

ok with that being said i just worked out and im hungry i think i will finsh the night with an apple

dont say i didnt warn ya lol

Friday, March 26, 2010

misconceptions and stereotypes

I really wanted to take time to acknowledge a few things to myself and anyone else reading this

*fat people dont always eat like pigs or sweat when they eat (my thin friends can out eat me and i can only eat one plate at a buffet)

*fat girls are not all easy lays

*fat people are not all dirty or smelly - as a matter of fact i have an addiction to bubble baths


*not all fat people are depressed

*not all fat people have low body image

*IT IS OK FOR FAT PEOPLE TO LIKE THEMSELVES EVEN THOUGH SOCIETY SAYS THEY ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH OR PRETTY ENOUGH (as a matter of fact i am prettier and nicer then a whole lot of superficial skinny bitches)

*not all fat people are lazy.....I work 3 jobs and have a life thank you very much!

I am so sick of society dictating how i should feel about how i look. TRUTH IS BEING FAT IS NOT HEALTHY. THIS is why i am embarking on this journey. I want to be healthier. I want to have more energy and less stress.

I think if more chubbies could grasp this and start feeling better about WHO THEY ARE not what they look like we would start seeing more motivation to succeed at healthy living.

I for one have lived to long under the misconception that i will never be good enough or determined enough. I have lived to long with the mindset that I will always be fat. my parents were fat, genetically i come from a big hips big ass family. that is where i came from and sure i may never be skinny but i will get healthy and thinner and more active. I AM NOT A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. As a wise friend told me. THIS IS THE YEAR FOR ME. I am weeding out toxic friends and relationships and habits. this is the year to make me a better me.

enjoy my journey and know that this is your time too. be the best you that you can be

ok so tip of the day do not drink all 8 cups of water for your day while you are at work. I have been to the bathroom every 10 minutes!
I almost forgot when i weighed in on monday my scale said 229.2

i am going to weigh in once a week so monday we will see how much i shed

The Start of it all

It's been 5 days since i started this new working out concept. I have already went to Mcdonalds to "celebrate" a shitty day at work. lol I know i am not the only one who feeds her pain.....c'mon now! BUUUT Monday I started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. OOOWWWW!! I did it Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. It's a non stop 20 minute work out working on strength, cardio and abs. Its tough and you will sweat more then you think you would in a 20 minute work out but i pushed myself!

Also went to the grocery store yesterday (it was pay day) and bought all kinds of healthy foods. Thankfully i have a friend in New Mexico who has lost a lot of weight and done her research tweeting me what to get lol

Today's Menu:
(around 10am)
Breakfast 1 cup yogurt, 5 strawberries and 8 black berries

noon: Large salad with spring mixed greens, shredded carrots, sliced mushrooms, chopped green onions and sliced raw almonds and a light drizzle of balsamic dressing

around 2 i will eat an apple with 1 tbsp of almond butter

around 4 i will eat 2 hard boiled eggs

around 6 i will eat 1 pack of weight control oatmeal with ground cinnamon on top

i am off work at 8pm so i will come home do my work out then eat a salad before bed

wish me luch i have the vending machine in my eye line from my desk!

Hey i know i am not the only one that hears the doritos whispering her name......right?

Chubby Chick signing out!