Beginner Walking WorkoutsA 12-Week Program that Builds Endurance-- By Jen Mueller & Nicole Nichols, Fitness ExpertsSparkPeople advertisers help keep the site free! Learn more Getting Started Use the FIT (Frequency, Intensity and Time) Principles for a safe and effective workout!
Beginner Walking Program
An Explanation of Using the RPE Method to Measure Intensity Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) may be the most versatile method to measure exercise intensity for all age groups. Using this method is simple, because all you have to do is estimate how hard you feel like you’re exerting yourself during exercise. RPE is a good measure of intensity because it is individualized—it’s based on your current fitness level and overall perception of exercise. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, allowing you to rate how you feel physically and mentally at a given intensity level.
An RPE between 5 and 7 is recommended for most adults. This means that at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working "somewhat hard" to "hard." The guidelines given for this specific workout program are for beginners and therefore reflect a somewhat lower intensity level. |
Monday, October 25, 2010
walking program......who wants to take a walk with me?
exercise of the day calf stretch - easy enough right
Starting PositionThis exercise is done in a standing position. You will begin with feet shoulder width apart.ActionStep forward in a half lunge, the back foot is in a fixed position with the knee slightly bent. Stretch the back calf by bending and straitening your back leg while remaining in the half lunge position. Repeat twice with each leg, alternating legs. Hold each stretch approximately 12-15 seconds.Special InstructionsTo keep balance and really get the best stretch possible, clasp your hands and place them over the top of your front thigh. You may also use one hand on a chair or wall to help your balance as well. |
Friday, October 22, 2010
found this on
25 Cheap Foods that are Good for You!
Get BIG Nutrition for Less Dough
-- By Stepfanie Romine, Staff Writer
Watching your wallet and your waistline can be tricky. Eating right is easy when money is no object, but a trip to the supermarket often yields frustration for healthy eaters on a budget (which is most of us!). Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein are on your list, but they're so much pricier than Ramen noodles, frozen pizzas and bottles of soda!
Sure, some healthful foods are more expensive, but the same rules of smart shopping apply: Price compare, be flexible about brands and choose larger sizes to save money per serving.
To help make your next shopping trip a breeze, but we've scanned the shelves and roamed the aisles to find 25 foods that are nutritious and affordable. (Prices from, March 2009, Greater Philadelphia area. These prices will vary according to location.)
Get your Omega-3's for less. Salmon is full of these healthy fats, which help lower cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.
2. Chicken breasts: $3.49 per pound (87 cents per serving)
Easy-to-prepare, chicken is full of lean protein, which helps keep you fuller longer.
3. Natural peanut butter: $3.39 for 16 ounces (42 cents per serving)
Skip the sugary, processed varieties and spread the real stuff on whole-grain bread. Throw a tablespoon in smoothies or yogurt, use it as a dip for carrots and pretzels, or mix it with a bit of low-sodium soy sauce, brown sugar and garlic, then thin with water for a quick sauce.
4. Canned beans: 84 cents for 15 ounces (22 cents per serving)
Bulk up soups and stews while getting protein and fiber. Try chickpeas or black beans if you're not a fan of kidneys or pintos. Drain, rinse, and blend with lemon juice, garlic, cumin and a bit of vegetable broth for a quick dip.
5. Eggs: $1.99 for a dozen large (17 cents per serving)
Not just for breakfast, eggs are among the easiest foods to cook. If you're watching your cholesterol, scramble one egg and two egg whites. Add onion and spinach and you've got a great omelet.
6. Dried lentils: 79 cents per pound (20 cents per serving)
Full of protein and fiber, lentils cook in just 15 minutes! Throw some in soups and stews or cook with curry powder for a quick, spicy meal.
7. Almonds: $3.99 for 9 ounces (44 cents per serving)
Get vitamin E, fiber and protein while satisfying a crunchy craving. Nuts are rich in an amino acid that could be linked to heart benefits. Chop a few raw ones and throw them on yogurt.
Throw some in the blender with milk or yogurt for a healthy treat. Frozen berries can be used in oatmeal or drained and baked into muffins and quick breads.
9. Apples: 68 cents each
They might not keep the doctor away, but apples are actually full of antioxidants, which help slow the progression of age-related diseases.
10. Bananas: 35 cents each
Slice one on your morning yogurt or oatmeal for some added fiber and only 100 calories or so. Snack on a potassium-rich banana to prevent cramps after a workout.
11. Grapes: $2.99 per pound (75 cents per serving)
Freeze grapes for a low-calorie dessert or snack. Grapes--especially the dark purple ones--contain plenty of antioxidants that are known to help heart health.
Banish the iceberg and choose sturdy Romaine for your salads. It will give you more fiber and nutrients, plus a satisfying crunch.
13. Carrots: $2.79 for 3 pounds (23 cents per serving)
Mom was right. Carrots are good for your eyes, thanks to the antioxidants, including beta-carotene, in them. (That's what makes them orange!) Dip them in hummus (made from canned beans), natural peanut butter or low-fat dressings.
14. Frozen spinach: $2 for 16 ounces (50 cents per serving)
Thaw and drain this good-for-your green, then toss it in omelets, soups, stir-fries and pasta sauces. Spinach is full of vitamins A, C, K, plus fiber and even calcium.
15. Canned tomatoes: $1 for 14.5 ounces (28 cents per serving)
Choose low-sodium varieties and throw a can in pasta sauces and chili to stretch a meal. Puree a can with a cup of skim milk and season to taste for your own tomato soup. You'll get a dose of vitamins A, B and C and lycopene, an antioxidant known to prevent cancer.
16. Garlic: 50 cents per head (5 cents per serving)
Ditch the bottled and powdered stuff if you want to reap more of the myriad health benefits. Pungent and tasty, garlic can help lower cholesterol and blood clots, plus it can have a small effect on high blood pressure. Crush or chop it to release more of the antioxidants.
17. Sweet potatoes: $1.49 per pound (37 cents per serving)
Aside from being sweet and delicious, these bright root vegetables are a great source of fiber and antioxidants. Bake, mash or roast them--you'll forget about those other, paler potatoes.
18. Onions: 97 cents each (32 cents per serving)
Like garlic, this smelly vegetable is full of health benefits. Onions have been proven to lower risks for certain cancers, and they add flavor with few calories. Try roasting them to bring out their sweetness and cut their harsh edge. (If you well up while cutting them, store onions in the fridge for a tear-free chop.)
19. Broccoli: $2.49 per pound (63 cents per serving)
Broccoli is like a toothbrush for your insides. Full of fiber, it will provide you vitamins A and C, plus fiber and a host of antioxidants. Broccoli is a superstar in the nutrition world.
With a nutty flavor and a subtle brown color, whole-wheat pasta perks up any meal. Start with half regular, half whole-wheat pasta, then gradually add more wheat pasta for a burst of fiber and nutrients.
21. Popcorn kernels: $2.39 for 32 ounces (30 cents per serving)
Air-popped popcorn has just 30 calories and a trace of fat. Pop a few cups, spritz with olive oil or butter spray and sprinkle on your favorite seasonings for a guilt-free treat.
22. Brown rice: $1.49 for 16 ounces (19 cents per serving)
Brown rice is a great side dish, but you can also use it to help stretch your ground meat. Mix a cup of cooked rice with 8 ounces of lean ground beef next time you make meatloaf to save 45 calories and five grams of fat (and some money) per serving.
23. Oats: $3.19 for 42 ounces (15 cents per serving)
Oatmeal is a hearty breakfast, but you can also cook sturdy steel-cut oats in chicken broth for a savory side dish. Or, mix oats with ground turkey to stretch your meatballs.
Buy large containers of plain or vanilla yogurt, then add real fruit. You'll save money and calories by not buying fancy single-serve yogurts.
25. Gallon of skim milk: $3.04 (19 cents per serving)
It really does a body good. Full of calcium and protein, milk can help stretch a meal. Pair an eight-ounce glass with a piece of fruit or a granola bar for a filling snack.
(Prices from, March 2009, Greater Philadelphia area)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Looking forward
Sunday, July 25, 2010
haunted by the ghosts of my past the extremely condensed version
Monday, July 12, 2010
this one's for me
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Watch out for the "Weight Loss Saviour's"
Monday, June 21, 2010
rocky road and no i dont mean ice cream
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
hectic life of me!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I'm sorry for the delay
Saturday, April 10, 2010
you know i am back now tho!! I have a few things on my mind.
1) is it ok to eat treats or things not really on your diet but in low doses?
2) does depriving yourself of said food treats cause you to finally give in but with a vengance and bindge on the treat??
3) WHY IS GOING OUT TO A RESTAURANT SO DAMN HARD! I went over the menu yesterday with a fine tooth comb before finally just having a turkey sandwhich on whole wheat with a side salad.
there is creamy sauces and cheese and breaded coatings on like EVERYTHING. I felt so bad for taking so long but it really was frustrating.
I did have a great time out with a few friends but it seemed a lot harder then it should have been. I feel like I am not easily intigrating into a normal world. Its easier to do portion control and meal preps and snacks at home.
I guess thats the wall i have run into the last week or so. i have been super busy so getting any work outs have been at the times when i am far too tire (yes i know i need a plan)
where the hell is the biggest loser ranch when i need it???
Monday, April 5, 2010
week 2 weigh in
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
todays meal plan
week one weigh in!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
some things i learned today
I need help to understand those white boxes on the backs of labels to know if something is good or bad
the more times i work out the longer i seem to be able to do the stuff ie jumping jacks and jump rope
butt kicks are from the devil
for that matter bicycle crunches are also from the devil
back to the excessive amounts of vegetables.......your poop changes colour.....this was a fact that gave me a minor coronary but i was assured that it is normal! phew!
ok with that being said i just worked out and im hungry i think i will finsh the night with an apple
dont say i didnt warn ya lol